Useful Resources

Guidelines & Consensus Documents Available Online 

Patient Information Leaflets 

  1. Physiotherapy for New born to 3 year olds 

Airway clearance for babies and young children with cystic fibrosis 

A leaflet produced by the CF Trust in the UK on airway clearance for babies and young children is available at INF18-J – Airway_clearance_for_babies_young_children_v3_web.pdf ( 

Bubble PEP 

A leaflet produced by the CF Trust in the UK on Bubble PEP is available at Bubble PEP Jan 2018.pdf ( 

  1. Physiotherapy for age 4-12 years old 

Active Cycle of breathing Technique (ACBT) 

A leaflet produced by the CF Trust in the UK on Active Cycle of Breathing Technique (ACBT) is available at ACBT leaflet Mar 2018.pdf ( 

Positive Expiratory Pressure (PEP) 

A leaflet produced by the CF Trust in the UK on Positive Expiratory Pressure (PEP) is available at How to use a PEP mask leaflet Mar 2018.pdf ( and PARI PEP leaflet Jan 2018.pdf ( 

Oscillating PEP 

A leaflet produced by the CF Trust in the UK on Acapella is available at Acapella leaflet Jan 2018.pdf ( 

  1. Physiotherapy for teenagers  

Autogenic Drainage (AD) 

A leaflet produced by the CF Trust in the UK on Autogenic Drainage (AD) is available at Autogenic_drainage factsheet.pdf ( 


The following links provide valuable information about transitioning to adult care:

Websites of Interest 

Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Cystic Fibrosis (ACPCF)  

CF Trust.  

The website details their activities, publications, consensus documents and useful links to other sites. Also has patient information written by the ACPCF.  

European CF Society –  

CF Foundation (USA) – 

This is the website of CFPhysio of Australia and New Zealand and provides education for physiotherapy in cystic fibrosis. –  

CFTR2 website 

This website provides information for patients, researchers, and the general public about specific variants in what is commonly referred to as the cystic fibrosis (CF) gene. – 

Cystic Fibrosis Medicine website 

This dedicated website on cystic fibrosis provides clinical information on all aspects of cystic fibrosis. The site is aimed at health care professionals, individuals with cystic fibrosis and their families, and provides information and forums on management of CF run by the authors of the Leeds method of management in collaboration with other experts. –