Sharing best practice for cystic fibrosis care

In many countries, children with cystic fibrosis are dying unnecessarily due to inadequate treatment. Together, we can change this!

In the UK, children with cystic fibrosis can now expect to live well into adulthood and even old age, yet in many other countries, child mortality remains unnecessarily high due to a lack of early diagnosis and intervention. Child Health International works with medical teams in the UK and abroad to end this inequality and ensure every child gets the care and the life they deserve.

Are you an individual that wants to help a child with cystic fibrosis today?
Are you an individual that wants to help a child with cystic fibrosis today?Get Involved
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Are you a CF specialist interested in working with Child Health International?Join us
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Do you want to learn more about Child Health International's work?Find out more

Find out more about some of our ongoing activities…

Harriet Bunn wing walking. Dress as Captain Marvel, strapped on top of a yellow biplane
Wing walking CF Fundraiser

Supporter Harriet Bunn did her epic wing walking challenge this month, dressed as Captain Marvel no less, to raise money for CHI and the Frimley Park Cystic Fibrosis unit. The Wing Walk was a thrilling experience that I can’t even put into words, made even more amazing knowing I have helped raise much needed money for two extremely well deserving …

Wing walking CF Fundraiser

Supporter Harriet Bunn did her epic wing walking challenge this month, dressed as Captain Marvel no less, to raise money for CHI and the Frimley Park Cystic Fibrosis unit. The Wing Walk was a thrilling experience that I can’t even put into words, made even more amazing knowing I have helped raise much needed money for two extremely well deserving …


Child Health International facilitates an ongoing partnership between Southampton CF centre, Athens and Thessaloniki.


Child Health International facilitates an ongoing partnership between Southampton CF centre, Athens and Thessaloniki.


UK’s Southampton Paediatric Cystic Fibrosis Centre works with medical teams in Moldova to improve health care for children living with cystic fibrosis


UK’s Southampton Paediatric Cystic Fibrosis Centre works with medical teams in Moldova to improve health care for children living with cystic fibrosis


Child Health International has currently suspended activities in Russia. Follow the link to find out more about our previous work in the region.


Child Health International has currently suspended activities in Russia. Follow the link to find out more about our previous work in the region.

Read our latest news and updates...

Harriet Bunn wing walking. Dress as Captain Marvel, strapped on top of a yellow biplane

Wing walking CF Fundraiser

Supporter Harriet Bunn did her epic wing walking challenge this...

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Raising funds for Frimley Park CF unit and CHI

CHI supporter Harriet is doing a sponsored wing walk this...

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In Memoriam, Dr Chris Rolles

In Memoriam of Child Health International President, Dr Chris Rolles

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Help us change the life of a child with cystic fibrosis today!

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