Get Assistance

If you are a representative of a CF parent association or indeed a CF parent, please bring our services to the attention of the hospital that treats your child. We will be more than pleased to talk to them to see if we can help.

The way in which we operate is to build a partnership between a specialist multi-disciplinary cystic fibrosis team in the UK and your medical team in order to facilitate peer-to-peer learning.

However, before doing so, we first send a fact-finding questionnaire to you in order to determine the current state of the Cystic Fibrosis healthcare system in your country. This then helps to determine how the UK team may assist your medical team or teams through a Collaborative Project.

This is then followed by an exploratory visit by the CF doctor (usually a paediatric consultant) accompanied by one or more members of their UK team (e.g. CF physiotherapist, specialist nurse, nutritionist, CF psychologist etc.) and possibly a CHI Project Manager.

This visit then enables the UK team to propose an approach that will improve treatment in the local communities and at a national level, taking into account your country’s resources. For example, establishing out-patient clinics and annual assessments.

But it does not stop there. Besides further visits, collaboration may include specialist visits, internships for you and members of your team in a UK hospital, virtual clinics to discuss difficult cases, training in the various disciplines, and simply sharing a new perspective on a difficult problem. Each project is different and our teams are continually exploring new ways to drive positive change.

If you would like to explore the possibility of a collaborative partnership, please email

Or if you would prefer to write, our postal address is:
Child Health International,
6 Heathland Court,
Berkshire RG40 3AY
United Kingdom

In order that we can reply appropriately, please provide your contact details and as much information as possible. Please note that we can translate Russian and will try our very best with other languages.

               Learn more about Child Health International’s work