Russian CF team visit RBH Timelines: Russia

In July 2014 Professor Kondratyeva and Ostrova attended a meeting at RBH to discuss further collaboration and opportunities to utilise existing UK-Russian relationships.

Key discussion points are summarised below:

  • It was proposed that a group of senior Doctors and health service managers/ Ministry of Health officials could be invited to the UK to gain a greater understanding of the UK CF service (following the example of the Ukrainian visit in 2002 [enter link]). However, after further discussion it was felt the timing for such a visit was not right, and that priority should be given to addressing the current lack of practising CF physiotherapists (kinesitherapists) and dieticians.
  • The Russian team enquired about short-term internships of 1-2 weeks’ duration at RBH. Little progress followed and it is an issue not resolved – and post Covid – even in 2021. See below – re online courses at RBH.
  • The possibility of presenting a “Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) CF case of the month” via videoconferencing to help in the education of other CF MDTs was discussed. Whilst the intention was that the RBH would do this primarily for UK-based learning, the potential for this to be opened up to Russian cases was also explored. No decisions were made, however, this remains a valid proposition if simultaneous interpretation could be provided.