CHI covered the travel costs for physiotherapist Aliona Roznerita to attend a training course organised by CF Europe in Belgrade. As a thank you she sent postcards made from paintings by some of the young patients.
Timeline: Moldova
CHI supplies equipment to Moldovan centre
CHI sent a spirometer, a baby scale and an adult scale to the day centre in Chisinau, with the help of medical charity MAD Aid. These will allow regular check-ups and prompt intervention at the first sign of problems which greatly reduce the damage caused by cystic fibrosis.
Contact reintiated with Moldovan team
A new chair of the Moldova CF Association was appointed, taking a more active role in lobbying government and raising funds to increase the quality of Moldovan cystic fibrosis care. A new out-patients unit opened with assistance from a German charitable foundation, operated two days a week by Dr Turcu, and with strong support from the CF Association. Contact with Child Health International was reinitiated with a request for help securing medical equipment. In May 2015 CHI sent donated drugs and equipment to the new centre, transported free in one of their regular trucks by MAD (Make A Difference) Aid. These were gratefully received and distributed to patients in need. MAD Aid specialise in taking second hand medical equipment, mostly donated by NHS hospitals, to Moldovan clinics. When asked what was needed, Dr Turcu replied: “Our list of equipment required is long, but any help is welcome: Medical spacers with mask Compressor nebulizer systems PARI Nebulizers PARI spirometer (for lung function) Pulse oximeters Hydroalcoholic solution for disinfection Electric steam sterilisers for nebulizer disinfection”
Moldovan team visit UK CF centre
CHI arranged for Dr Oxana Turcu to complete a ‘Nutrition in CF’ course in Leeds. Dr Turcu and Prof Svetlana Sciuca then spent a week observing the Cystic Fibrosis team in University Hospital Southampton, hosted by Dr Julian Legg.
Nebulisers delivered to National Children’s Hospital in Chisinau
CHI’s medical consultant Dr Julian Legg spoke at a national Cystic Fibrosis conference and delivered three nebulisers to the National Children’s Hospital in Chisinau, allowing children to be treated with saline or inhalable antibiotics at home.
Initial visit to Chisinau
CHI’s medical consultant Dr Julian Legg, physiotherapist Alicia Lander (Senior Physiotherapist, Poole Hospital), Tony Wolstenholme and Jim Hopwood made an exploratory visit to the National Children’s Hospital in Chisinau, at the invitation of Dr Barbova of the medical genetics unit. They team also met with the British Ambassador to understand what support was currently available for the cystic fibrosis teams working there.